Oct 1, 2020
"You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever." - Steve Jobs
Today, in this episode I get to connect the dots I get to connect the dots by looking back to an interview I did 5 years ago, as a guest on Mark Mawhinny's podcast Natural Born Coaches.
Mark provides me an opportunity to share my transition from my 9 to 5 to entrepreneurship.
I look back over the last five years & I get to see that everything I envisioned is happening for myself as a business owner, and as an entrepreneur.
How exciting is it to connect the dots. How exciting is it to look back and say I have the freedom I desired. I'm working for myself. I'm building the business and the income that I truly want, because I was willing to take a step. I was willing to take the leap. I was willing to move forward toward my dream.
I hope that you're inspired and motivated by this interview, which was 5 years ago, but still very relevant today.